A young girl visiting the shelter plays with one of the Teenager cats. At CAT all of the teenagers are held at the entrance to the upper floor and are usually the most boisterous of the shelters cats.
2. Overall/Establishing shot
At CAT the kennels are positioned in a square unlike rows in other shelters. In two sides of the square there are doors so that volunteers and employees may enter. The advantage of this design is that workers can reach all the cats fairly quickly if needed while also being able to constantly keep and eye out for visitors and prospecting adopters.
3. Close up.
Atena, the three year old calico watches the busy shelter outside of her kennel. Most of the felines like Atena, at CAT come from over crowded shelters that would other wise euthanize like Bonnie hays in Hilsboro.
4. Portrait
Cheese-nip relaxes in one of the shelters handmade cat couches. There are four rooms at CAT that are available to cats who have been there longer. These rooms give more opportunity for the cats to meet with potential families and socialize closely with other cats. All four of the rooms have hand painted designs on the walls, hand made furniture and toys and windows for the cats to have a more home-like place to stay.
6. How-to
A adopter fills out papers for her new family members, Fulvia and her three kittens. Fulvia is one of the few cats that the shelters find on the streets, and in this with a family of her own. After her three kittens are given shot and spayed/neutered she will be able to go home to her new family
2. Overall/Establishing shot
At CAT the kennels are positioned in a square unlike rows in other shelters. In two sides of the square there are doors so that volunteers and employees may enter. The advantage of this design is that workers can reach all the cats fairly quickly if needed while also being able to constantly keep and eye out for visitors and prospecting adopters.
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Atena, the three year old calico watches the busy shelter outside of her kennel. Most of the felines like Atena, at CAT come from over crowded shelters that would other wise euthanize like Bonnie hays in Hilsboro.
4. Portrait
Cheese-nip relaxes in one of the shelters handmade cat couches. There are four rooms at CAT that are available to cats who have been there longer. These rooms give more opportunity for the cats to meet with potential families and socialize closely with other cats. All four of the rooms have hand painted designs on the walls, hand made furniture and toys and windows for the cats to have a more home-like place to stay.
A volunteer talks to a adopter about CATS policies and vet care. Adopting from cat is much like applying for a job, the lengthy process however ensures that all of the cats go to a responsible and loving home.

A adopter fills out papers for her new family members, Fulvia and her three kittens. Fulvia is one of the few cats that the shelters find on the streets, and in this with a family of her own. After her three kittens are given shot and spayed/neutered she will be able to go home to her new family
7. The clincher
A stack of cardboard carriers sits in the hallway, to the onlooker these may seem like dismal boxes, but to the cats these boxes are a way to a new home and a new life.